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Common Daycare Injuries: A Parent's Guide

Children at a daycare painting

Overview of Daycare Environments

Many parents rely on daycare providers to care for their children while they work. Daycares offer structured environments designed for learning and play. However, these settings also carry risks. Understanding the potential injuries within daycare environments helps parents advocate for their children's safety.

Importance of Understanding Potential Injuries

Parents need to be aware of common injuries in daycare settings. Knowledge protects children and promotes better safety practices. Parents can take proactive steps to ensure their daycare prioritizes safety and responds effectively to incidents.

Types of Injuries

Falls and Trips

Falls and trips regularly occur in daycare environments. Running children, uneven surfaces, and cluttered play areas contribute to these injuries. Daycare providers can prevent falls by maintaining clean play areas and providing proper supervision. Parents should ask about safety protocols for playground equipment and indoor play areas.

Choking Incidents

We have been involved in cases where children were injured (and, in one case, lost their life) because of inappropriate supervision during meals/snacks. Also, food has to be prepared in certain ways for safety. For example, hotdogs need to be cut in pieces smaller and in different shapes than just “rounds” and grapes need to be cut in small shapes. It is also necessary for there to be sufficient staff-to-child ratios for appropriate supervision—as well as appropriate training (e.g. CPR, the “Heimlich” maneuver, etc.). Choking can also occur with access to toys containing small parts, etc.


Hot surfaces, liquids, and even sun exposure can cause significant injuries. Daycare programs must maintain safe cooking practices to reduce the risk of kitchen burns. Parents should discuss sun safety approaches with caregivers. They should ensure providers offer shade on sunny days and apply sunscreen regularly.

Legal Considerations

Understanding Liability

Legally, daycare providers bear responsibility for children's safety. Parents should understand their rights regarding daycare responsibilities. When incidents occur, documentation becomes vital. Parents should keep records of injuries and communication with daycare providers. This practice facilitates discussions and may hold providers accountable for unsafe practices. Sometimes, daycare facilities will continue to operate, even if they have insufficient staff. And, occasionally, daycares will put children of too many age groups in close proximity.

Insurance and Medical Care

Insurance plays a crucial role in the aftermath of a daycare injury. Parents must ensure that the daycare holds appropriate liability insurance. This coverage protects both children and providers. Should an injury occur, parents should initiate the process of seeking medical care for their child. They should document all medical visits and treatments resulting from daycare-related injuries.

Communicating with Your Daycare

Reporting Injuries

When injuries occur, parents must report them to daycare staff. And, of course, if the daycare is aware of an incident, it is mandatory that the incident be reported to parents, documented, etc. Clear communication ensures daycare providers address incidents promptly. Parents should provide relevant details, including the time, location, and nature of the injury. Detailed reports help daycare staff improve safety protocols.

Building a Relationship with Caregivers

Establishing a strong relationship with daycare caregivers promotes safety discussions. Parents should feel comfortable approaching caregivers about their child's well-being. Open communication ensures that both parties prioritize safety. Parents should encourage caregivers to discuss injury prevention and invite suggestions for enhancing safety measures. Strong partnerships between parents and caregivers result in safer environments.

Consulting with an Attorney After an Injury

In the unfortunate event that your child sustains an injury at daycare, consulting with an attorney can provide invaluable guidance. An attorney experienced in personal injury law can help you understand your rights and the legal responsibilities of the daycare provider. They can assist in evaluating the circumstances surrounding the injury to determine whether there are grounds for a claim.

Some of the first things that should be considered include notifying Child Protective Services, notifying the Office of the Inspector General (or other licensing body), demanding (in writing) that the daycare preserve all evidence, including any data/video evidence, etc.

Moreover, an attorney can navigate the complexities of legal processes, ensuring that you gather and present necessary evidence, such as incident reports and medical documentation. Engaging legal counsel early can help protect your interests and facilitate fair compensation for any medical expenses or damages incurred as a result of the injury.

If your child has been injured in a daycare environment, contact Brett H. Oppenheimer, PLLC for help. We can offer you a free consultation and review your case, and we can recommend your next steps. You can find us online or by phone at (502) 242-8877.

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