Gastric Bypass Medical Malpractice
Kentucky Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Many people are faced with health challenges associated with being overweight. Obesity is a major problem in the United States. Gastric bypass is a surgical option. Typically, gastric bypass is only considered once more traditional weight loss options have failed. More and more gastric bypass operations are being performed. This is a result of several factors. First, approximately 20% of the adult population in the United States is obese. Many of these obese people are classified as morbidly obese. Morbid obesity is a classification for those whose lives are at risk because of their extreme weight.
Gastric bypass surgery involves the rerouting of the gastrointestinal system and/or the stapling of the stomach. Not only is this a significant surgery, but there are significant risks associated with gastric bypass surgery. Food and nutrition bypass the normal anatomic route. Absorption of nutrients is greatly reduced. Typically, weight loss is achieved. However, it is also possible that malnutrition results.
Only certain obese patients qualify for gastric bypass or bariatric surgery. Surgeons will typically consider candidates that have failed with several weight loss options and remain at least 100 pounds overweight.
Types of Gastric Bypass Surgery
One common type of gastric bypass surgery is called a Roux en Y procedure. A Roux en Y procedure can be performed through open surgery or can be done as a laparoscopic surgery. Other types of gastric bypass surgery include the surgical creation of a pouch or a fobi pouch, or Biliopancreatic Diversion.
Gastric bypass medical malpractice claims arise when either the surgery is performed incorrectly or the surgeon or those rendering follow-up care fail to timely recognize complications such as a patient that is taking a downward turn because of malabsorption.
There can also be related medical malpractice cases such as the surgeon leaving a foreign object (e.g., retained sponge) during the surgery, anesthesia negligence, nursing negligence, etc.
If you believe that you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice from a gastric bypass surgery, you are welcome to contact a Louisville medical malpractice attorney from the law office of Brett H. Oppenheimer, PLLC with questions.
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